No one likes getting the flu shot. But it’s a necessity to fight the flu virus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns flu is on the rise in North America this year.
Did you know that flu causes U.S. employees to miss 17 million workdays? That’s an estimated $7 billion a year in sick days and lost productivity.
There’s no better way to keep the flu out of your workplace than by hosting a flu clinic.
But is it too late?
Simply put: No.
The CDC says that as long as the virus is circulating, it isn’t too late to get the shot.
Flu season lasts from November to April. Most cases of the flu occur between late December and early March. Yet last year’s flu season was the longest in a decade. The flu vaccine takes up to two weeks to be most effective and then lasts for one year.
Medical reports show that last season’s flu shot vaccine was the most effective ever.
The ideal months for a flu clinic are in October or November when service providers still have enough vaccine. Ideally, companies should find a service provider in August or September for a clinic the following year. Providers typically order vaccine at the beginning of the year, based on estimates of how much they’ll need when the clinics begin in October.
Flu clinics can be scheduled as late as April.
Medical reports show that last season’s flu shot was the most effective vaccination ever.
Keep your flu clinic simple but efficient
Here are tips to keep in mind:
- Schedule your flu clinic at a convenient time for your company, such as on a day when there are no big meetings or corporate events.
- Provide a wide spectrum of appointment times for employees.
- Remind employees that the shot protects them, their families and coworkers.
- Use your company’s Wellness Champions to help spread the word about the clinic.
Contact Midland Health for your free quote today, to arrange your hassle-free, on-site flu clinic. Midland Health provides flu shots in all 50 states.
Read “8 Tips for an Efficient On-Site Flu Clinic” to help ensure your corporate flu clinic is a success. Find more flu facts here.
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