Imagine a world where you cannot go to work, attend a concert or sporting event, send your child to school, or board an airplane without a piece of paper that proves you have been vaccinated against COVID-19. A growing number of public health experts are predicting mandated inoculation against the novel coronavirus once a ... Continue Reading
Screening and Testing for COVID-19
As the United States re-opens many areas of the economy, the need for accurate COVID-19 testing is more critical than ever. The virus continues to significantly impact daily operations for many companies. Both employers and their employees need to know that their health and safety is being considered as American returns to ... Continue Reading
In the Wake of Covid-19 Immune Health Matters More Than Ever
Never has a strong immune system been more important than right now. While there is no guaranteed prevention against the new coronavirus, having a strong immune system is important to your overall health. That strength will help your body to remain proactive throughout the battle against this pandemic.
Immune Health ... Continue ReadingIs Antibody Testing the Key to Reopening America?
A prospective development in the fight against COVID-19 was discovered by researchers in Paris, France, last week. An antibody from a patient who had recovered from SARS blocked the COVID-19 infection in a laboratory setting.
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is another form of coronavirus, also thought to have ... Continue Reading
How to Maximize Productivity while Working from Home
As the Coronavirus state of emergency continues to interfere with our daily schedules, working from home has become a necessity for many Americans. Flexible work arrangements are nothing new, but for millions of people, the choice to work from home is moot and home offices are the new norm.
Working from home has many ... Continue Reading
Taking Employee Temperatures in the Wake of Covid-19
The idiom "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" refers to the change in temperature as spring begins and winter ends. But this year March came in like a lamb and went out like a lion, referring not to weather but instead to Covid-19 and flattening the curve.
This March the President and many local ... Continue Reading