The current flu season has not even peaked and yet federal officials are saying this is the most severe outbreak of the flu since the swine flu pandemic in 2009, and it’s getting worse. Across North America, the number of people who require hospitalization from influenza is increasing, which is typically a predictor of the ... Continue Reading
Flu Shot Clinic
The Most Fierce Flu Season in 10 Years: Know the Facts
The current flu season hasn't even peaked and yet federal officials are saying this is the most severe outbreak since the swine flu pandemic in 2009 - and it’s getting worse.
Part of the reason why the flu has been so fierce this year is due to the prevalent Influenza A H3N2. The flu vaccine is less effective against ... Continue Reading
Can my Dog or Cat Give Me the Flu?
Unless you have a pet pig, do not be concerned about your dog or cat giving you the flu. Most viruses are species-specific. Viruses can be passed between humans but not between you and your pet.
Do you remember the H1N1 flu outbreak during 2011 and 2012? It was originally called the “Swine Flu” until they changed ... Continue Reading
The Best Time of Day for Your Flu Shot
What is the best time of day to get a flu shot?
The flu shot stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies that protect an individual from various strains of flu for the given year. These strains usually change annually. The overall effectiveness of the vaccine is dependent, in part, on the age and health of the ... Continue Reading
Best Time to Get a Flu Shot
Can you get a flu shot too soon? The answer is: That depends.
It is difficult to think of flu season in August, yes August. That is when many retail pharmacies start to advertise flu shot distribution. Is getting a flu shot in August still going to protect you if the flu bug hits in February?
Keep in mind that big ... Continue Reading
Midland Health Provides Flu Shot Clinics in all 50 States
Midland Health has the experience, stability and knowledge your company needs to implement a professional on-site flu clinics. With skilled technicians nationwide, we address the unique needs of an organization with multiple locations across the United States. Remember, seemingly healthy people can catch the flu, so having the ... Continue Reading