Did you know that carpal tunnel syndrome is the leading workplace injury? Repetitive strain from excessive keyboard use is the culprit, but new research is suggesting that texting or excessive video gaming is also linked to carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS is caused when you repetitively bend and extend your wrist, putting ... Continue Reading
Health Cost Savings
Why I Love Insurance Agents Like You!
I’ve been chasing life insurance agents for their paramedical business for over 25 years. I want to thank you for your business and helping me reap the rewards of what you sell. Because of your products and profession... I started in the paramed business at age 26.I needed money to invest in the business and went to the bank ... Continue Reading
On-Site Biometric Testing Nation Wide
Partnering for a Healthier business
Through our experience, we understand that the first step towards developing an effective wellness program is to understand the health status and risks of your employee population.
Our on site biometric screenings obtain that information and create a customized program based on the ... Continue Reading
Drug Testing Services for Employers Nation Wide
Partnering for Healthier businesses
As an employer, you don’t always know if there’s a problem with substance abuse by looking at an employee or reviewing an application. That’s why drug screening is so important in the workplace.
Whether you require hair, oral fluid, urine or blood collections, our fast and ... Continue Reading
Biometric Screenings
Through our experience, we discovered that the first step towards developing an effective wellness program is to understand the health status and risks of your employee population.
Our on site biometric screenings are able to obtain that information and create a customized program based on the results!
Flexible ... Continue ReadingEncourage the Wellness of your Employees with Incentive Programs
It is in our nature to want to be rewarded for our hard work. The workplace is no different. We work hard and we want people to notice, especially when our goals are achieved.
Workplace Wellness Programs are becoming a part of every successful company’s culture. Promoting the overall health of employees is a ... Continue Reading