The 2022-2023 flu season is on track to be the worst flu season in three years.
While the mandated protective measures kept you better shielded against COVID-19 and simultaneously against the flu for the past two years, things such as social distancing and mask wearing have become less common across America, leaving you more vulnerable to viruses like influenza.
Why Flu Shot Clinics are Critical this Year
Experts are saying that reduced population immunity, due to lack of flu virus activity since March 2020, could result in an early and more severe flu season this year. While the flu virus was historically low during the 2020-2021 flu season, the flu circulated in far greater numbers during the 2021-2022 season. The upcoming flu season is expected to be much more severe, with higher possibilities for coinfections with COVID-19.
On average, 20% of Americans will contract the flu during any given flu season. A recent study showed that adults get the flu two times every ten years but that children contract the virus every other year.
It is estimated that up to 80,000 Americans are hospitalized each year due to complications from the flu virus. Influenza remains the ninth leading cause of death in the United States.
Protect your Employees with an On-Site Flu Shot Clinic
Statistics show that the flu costs the American work force 17 million workdays each year. This figure does not include missed days from work to care for children sick with the flu, which is estimated to be from 3-5 days each illness.
The estimated cost of lost productivity and sick days due to the flu is $7 billion.
The estimated cost of medical care related to the flu in American is $10 billion.
These figures present a good case for hosting a flu shot clinic at your workplace this year. In order to secure your company’s on-site clinic, contact Midland Health today to book yours.
Flu Shot Clinics Help Protect your Bottom Line
On-site flu clinics have been proven to reduce absenteeism and decrease lost productivity due to illness. As an employer, when you host an on-site flu shot clinic, you are not only investing in the health and well being of your employees but you are also preventing their need to leave work to get the shot.
The flu shot reduces your chances of getting the flu by 40%-60% and far reduces symptoms of the flu should you still contract the virus. In many cases, the flu shot can save you from a hospital visit from complications due to the flu.
The flu is highly contagious. You only need to be standing within six feet of someone infected with the virus to be at risk yourself. People who get the flu become carriers and the workplace is a common breeding ground for the flu. Many healthy people get the vaccine to help ensure they don’t contract the flu and spread the disease to more vulnerable people, particularly the young and elderly. Our clients usually invite adults 18 years and older to participate in their flu shot clinics.
Many of our clients have determined that hosting an on-site flu vaccination clinic is a very cost-effective way to help manage a potential flu epidemic at their workplace. They realize:
- Less loss of productivity
- Less temporary help expenses
- Less pay outs of sick time for flu related illnesses
- Less pay outs of insurance benefits for flu related medical appointments
Use our ROI calculator to find out how much money you can save your company by protecting your employees against the flu.
Flu Shots and COVID-19 Vaccines
With very few exceptions, the CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get the flu vaccine. The agency states that September and October are ideal times to get your shot and that everyone should be vaccinated by the end of October at the latest. However, it is never too late in the season to get your flu shot.
The composition of flu vaccines has been updated for the 2022-2023 flu season. All available flu vaccines in the U.S. this flu season are now quadrivalent which means they are designed to protect against the four most common strains of the flu.
Flu and COVID coinfections are possible and therefore it is important to get vaccinated against both viruses.
The CDC has confirmed that flu vaccines can now be administered at the same time as the COVID vaccine, including COVID booster shots. Remember that after you are vaccinated, it takes your body about two weeks to develop the antibodies that protect against the flu.
Get a free quote for your company’s on-site flu shot clinic today.
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