Learn How a Properly Executed Wellness Program can Save You Millions in Health Cost!
Employers struggling with the high cost of health insurance benefits can keep costs in line if they know the secret to a successful corporate wellness program.
In 2008, Collier County administrators were frustrated because their self-funded health plan wasn’t working. Too few employees were taking advantage of all the benefits such as routine screenings.
This Corporate Wellness Program Case study has resulted in the following:
- Increase participation in your wellness program
- Decrease the incidence of severe health problems
- SAVE millions in health benefit costs!
This health plan needed a massive overhaul. Working with their benefits consultant, the client was able to identify seven goals which resulted in the Massive Savings!
Get your Free Copy of the High Touch Wellness White Paper and learn how a properly executed Wellness Program can result in substantial health cost saving for your company.
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